Basic information |
Name |
Breed |
Ear-tag No. |
Charolais |
5882101816 FR |
State register |
Herd-Book No. |
ZCH 163 |
5882101816 |
Country of origin |
Birth date |
France |
01.03.1982 |
Blood |
6700021 |
Breeder |
Owner |
Delourme N. Poiseux |
Natural spol.s.r.o.Hradištko |
Statut |
import of ID |
Insemination doses availability |
Offered by: |
Natural spol.s.r.o.Hradištko |
Web-site: | |
Availability: |
Not available (20.12.2023) ! the seller has not updated the status for a long time!
| |
Performance data |
Birth weight (kg) |
Weight at age of 120 days (kg) |
Weight at age of 210 days (kg) |
Weight at age of 365 days (kg) |
Weight - date of selection (kg) |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Daily weight gain at test period (g) |
Daily weight gain at test period (EBV) |
Daily weight gain since birth (g) |
Height at rump at age of 365 days (cm) |
Height at rump - date of selection (cm) |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Test station: |
Date of selection: |
Linear scoring |
Conformation |
Body capacity |
Muscularity |
Breeding type |
Total |
HG |
LB |
WT |
LP |
MS |
MT |
MR |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Relative breeding value: 0 |
Relative breeding value: 0 |
Relative breeding value: 0 |
Relative breeding value: 0 |
HG - height, LB - length of body, WT - weight, WCH - width of chest, DCH - depth of chest, LP - lenght of pelvis, MS - muscle of shoulder, MT - muscle of top line, MR - muscle of rump
Graphs explanations:
HG - height, LB - length of body, WT - weight, CO - conformation, BC - body capacity, MU - muscularity, BC - breeding type
Breeding values |
Direct effect accuracy |
Maternal effect accuracy |
Calculation date: |
Calves: |
0 |
Calving ease |
Growth |
Calving ease |
Growth |
Herds: |
0 |
0/0 |
0/0 |
0/0 |
0/0 |
Calves weighted: |
0 |
Calved daughters: |
0 |
Direct/Maternal effect explanation:
SI CAE - Selection Index - calving traits; SI GR - Selection Index - growth
SI CAE definition: (relEBV CAE + relEBV BWT) / 2
SI GR definition: (relEBV 120 + relEBV 210 + relEBV 365) / 3
International evaluation - Interbeef: |
values |
adjusted weaning weight (AWW) |
calving ease (CAE) |
birth weight (BWT) |
EBV direct effect: |
106 |
98 |
102 |
Accuracy direct effect: |
97% |
95% |
97% |
No. of progeny weighted: *1) |
11437 |
14611 |
14611 |
Performance: |
yes |
yes |
yes |
EBV maternal effect: |
100 |
107 |
99 |
Accuracy - maternal effect: |
91% |
89% |
94% |
Number of daughters: *2) |
4981 |
5989 |
5989 |
Number of daughter's progeny performances: *3) |
18972 |
24846 |
24846 |
Interbeef data valid to:
Interbeef data explanation:
Performance: yes/no - was/wasn't involved to the evaluation
*1) - Number of weighted progeny in the international evaluation
*2) - stated if the sire has more than 14 daughters
*3) - stated if the sire's daughters has more than 25 progeny
*1-3) - weights within the international evaluation included only
Sire |
PRINCE RR3 HB: 5879118443 ??? |
Dam |
POLONAISE RR3 HB: 5879118433 5879118433 FR |
Sire of sire |
ECHO (IA) HB: 5869101650 261 731 |
Dam of sire |
BOHEME RR3 HB: 580127B021 ??? |
Sire of dam |
JELIN HB: 5874127123 261 738 |
Dam of dam |
LOI FULLER HB: 5875108504 5875108504 FR |
If you are not familiar with Czech selection/performance system, we recommend to read Selection system article first.
Detailed information of Czech methodology can be downloaded in here.
Data of owners are taken from the central evidence of CMSCH, a.s. This is therefore the name of the holding to which the bull was moved within the central evidence.