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Insemination doses database

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Available On request Not available Unknown
  • Available = IDs are available from the Czech distributor and can be ordered immediately
  • On request = IDs are not available from the Czech distributor (the first registrar of the sire) and cannot be ordered
  • Not available = IDs are not currently in stock at the Czech distributor, but can be provided in case of interest
  • Unknown = Availability information is missing (usually because the seller did not report it or it is a historical ID imported by companies that no longer exist)

The overview of the availability of insemination doses (ID) is compiled using data provided by individual companies, CSCHMS is not responsible for the data. If insemination doses are offered by more than one company, the availability information is based on information from the company / person who owns them (who registered the sire in the herd-book first). The overview allows to search according to individual companies only IDs that were imported into the Czech Republic for the purpose of commercial sale, not those that were registered by individual breeders for their private use.

The order of companies is determined by the total number of registered insemination bulls of beef bulls. Non-existent companies are highlighted + "inactive".

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